Group Programmes

Group Programmes


Sensory processing is the organisation of sensory input received from the body and the environment for use in daily life.


Using an all-rounded therapeutic approach, the group is designed to facilitate all aspects of a child’s development.

Giraffes (Pre-school & Early Intervention Programme)

This is an intense therapeutic group running three mornings per week, with the option to enroll for a 2 or 3 morning schedule.

Handwriting Class (Chinese)

When handwriting, is your child showing problems with spacing between words, letter-/ number size or shape, pencil grip or body posture?

Kangaroos (Pre-school & Early Intervention Programme)

This is an intense therapeutic group running three afternoons per week, with the option to enroll for a 2 or 3 afternoon schedule.

Sensory Play Group

This is a multi-sensory group for young children to organise and integrate their sensory systems to assist the development of their motor, cognitive and social skills. It enhances the holistic development of your child whilst exploring and enjoying a creative, fun, and safe environment.

Your child will benefit from the following:

Social Skills: LEGO® Club

Our LEGO® Club is a social development programme designed for children who need assistance with their social-communication skills.

Social Skills: Social Stars

The Social Stars group will equip your child with the social skills needed to thrive in their environment.

Social Skills: Social Superstars

Having good social skills is important for lifelong success and children often experience difficulties acquiring these skills.