General Info

Welcome back from the Chinese New Year break! In February, our curriculum focuses on the Life Cycle!

Last month, we focused on different animals where we learned about their unique characteristics and behaviour. Building on that knowledge, we are diving into the fascinating world of life cycles this month. We will focus on the life cycle of caterpillars and the planting process. These life cycles reveal the beauty of nature!

Activities to do at home

  • "Chicken, Chicken, Egg!" - A twist on "Duck Duck Goose" that includes baby animals and their parents. Gather players and sit in a circle. One player walks behind the circle, taps other players on the head and says “Chicken” for each tap. When the player taps someone and says “Egg”, that player needs to stand up and try to chase around the circle. This game trains children coordination, motor planning, attention span, and listening skills.
  • "Caterpillar Craft" - Use paper plates or egg cartons to make caterpillar craft. Ask children to decorate and paint it. This craft enhances fine motor skills and coordination. 
  • “Plant a Mini Garden”: Choose easy-to-grow plants, e.g., green beans, herbs or flowers. Children can help with planting, watering, and caring for the garden. These activities will help to develop the knowledge and skills about planting and life cycle. 
  • If you have time, bring your child to a farm. At these farms, children can experience the natural environment and interact with animals. 

Here are some great books to go with our February themes. Look out for...

  • ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle
  • ‘Soar High, Dragonfly’ by Sheri M. Bestor
  • ‘Who Is in the Egg?’ byAlexandra Milton
  • ‘Tree of Life’ by Barbara Bash
  • ‘The Magic School Bus Plants Seed’ by Joanna Cole


  • Flower
  • Seeds
  • Plants
  • Soil
  • Tree
  • Roots
  • Leaves
  • Sprouting
  • Planting
  • Colorful
  • Beautiful
  • Caterpillar
  • Cocoon
  • Butterfly