Make A Donation Today!


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Personal Info

In order to make a donation, please choose one of the following:

  1. Cheque Donation             
    Make a cheque payable to “The Child Development Centre” and write the donation details e.g. donor's name/contact method/cause of donation etc. on the back of the cheque. Send the cheque to Unit 7, 4/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong.
  2. Direct Deposit or Online Transfer to The Child Development Centre    
    Bank account : HSBC 502-428634-001            
    Please email the bank transfer receipt to for us to match with your information given above and email the tax receipt to you.
  3. PayMe    
    You can simply scan the QR code or click here with your mobile phone to donate directly to our bank account. After donating, please email the transaction record to    
  4. Fast Payment System (FPS) 轉數快      
    Donate by FPS with our Proxy ID: 165422429 after logging into your online banking account.  Please put the details, e.g., donor's name/contact method/cause of donation etc., in the "Message to recipient" column. Send us the screenshot of the transaction record to  

If you would like to know more about donation procedures by PayMe please click here.    
To obtain a donation receipt, please contact us by email

Personal Information Collection Statement 

Any personal data collected from you is supplied on an entirely voluntary basis and will be used for the purpose of donor communications, such as the issue of receipts and reports.

If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to the Child Development Centre (CDC)’s privacy policy.

The CDC can use your personal data provided above to keep you updated regarding the CDC’s fund-raising events, newsletters, volunteer services and surveys to collect donor opinions through various communication channels. The CDC will not disclose, share, sell or transfer any Personal Information to third parties without your express permission or unless required by law.

If you wish to access or update your personal data, please send your written request, either by post or by email, at any time and with no charge, to the CDC. (Postal address: Unit 7, 4/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong; Email:

Donations over HKD100 are tax-deductible. We will send you an donation receipt for your record. (Hong Kong tax payers only)

Hide Terms

If you do not agree to the CDC using your personal data for the purposes stated above, please check the box.
Donation Total:
Donations over HKD100 are tax-deductible. We will send you an official receipt for your record. (Hong Kong tax payers only)